We recognize the importance of caring for our planet.
The actions we take can have significant impacts on our environment, public health, local wildlife and waterways. Our Strategic Sustainability Plan is rooted in the firm belief that it is our collective responsibility to take meaningful action against climate change. This means diverting our waste, remaining mindful of energy and water use, taking part in litter clean-ups or team tree-planting events, and continuosly looking for innovative ways to support environmental sustainability.

Peninsula Plastics Limited is committed to ensuring compliance and participation with our local/regional recycling practices and efforts. Peninsula Plastics has a recycling program in both office locations for containers and fiber separately, in compliance with Niagara Region’s dual stream recycling program. Additionally, we separate organic material in lunchrooms, including paper towels in bathrooms which are collected via Davidson Environmental where organic waste is turned into power.
Our manufacturing facility collects plastic wrap, containers and cardboard for placement in large single stream front-end load containers. Peninsula Plastics also recycles all discontinued boxes and spent pallets.
All rejected plastics parts are collected and ground on site by colour. These colours are collected into specific colour coded containers such as re-used gaylords where they are stored until they can be re-incorporated into new products. Purge from machines is collected and brought to a processing company where it can be re-pelletized and re-used in manufacturing. Peninsula Plastics re-uses 100% of plastic parts that are rejected during manufacturing ensuring there is no loss of material during our production cycle. Post-consumer recycled material and post-industrial material options available.
When purchasing supplies such as toilet paper, paper towels, plastic wrap, paper etc., Peninsula Plastics commits to using vendors and products that incorporate recycled content. To reduce our carbon emissions and support our local economy Peninsula Plastics utilizes local vendors whenever possible.
All office, manufacturing and warehouse facilities are equipped with LED lights. All warehouse facilities have motion censored lights which are equipped to go off automatically after five minutes of inactivity. In winter, Peninsula Plastics offices are set to 71 degrees during work days and turned down to 66 degrees when the office is closed (evenings and weekends). In summer, offices are kept at 78 degrees.